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Tamiya 74068 Modeling Scissors (for Photo-etched parts)
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 40

További információk a termékről:
Modeling Scissors
Item No:74068
The difficult task of trying to cut out photo-etched parts with a modeling knife is now a thing of the past thanks to this handy set of scissors. Specially designed for use with photo-etched parts, the sharply pointed tip can cut into the narrowest joints, preventing accidental bending of parts during cutting.
Designed for Precision Cutting
The blade of the scissors also features a curved tip, preventing blocking of view when cutting out fine parts. With this clear view you can cut as close to the part as possible, without fear of error. These handy scissors also come with a safety cap, keeping the blades protected, ensuring long term use.
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