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GreenStrawberry 04017 AT-ST
for Bandai model
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 68

További információk a termékről:
Scale: 1/48
Photo etch detail set and correction set for AT-ST walker from Bandai in 1/48 scale. All Terrain Armored Transport from movie Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Return of the Jedi.
Foil and color print with instruments panels are included
Set contains:
PE Parts:
- intake for cockpit cooling system
- entry hatch hinges with handle
- updated parts for cockpit
- new seats
- new floor with control pedals
- gauges on special foil or color print for realistic illumination
- pilot seat belts
- blasters perforing barrels
- rear cooling vents with grills
- new lower plastron shield
- footpad grip
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