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Sujiborido NEO010 UV LED Light
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 18
További információk a termékről:
UV lámpa, UV fényre kötő anyagokhoz.
- LED light is ultra-compact LED black light UV light to irradiate a UV curable adhesive.
- In the field of LED are using high brightness LED 375nm UV light of the world's top manufacturers, manufactured by Nichia.
- UV output is best-in-class, highly reliable and high quality and unique Nichia less visible light.
- Other UV curable adhesive, and university and corporate research and experimental verification of various security printing, are also used in the field of non-destructive testing and inspection deep scratches.
- LED manufactured by Nichia use ultraviolet light 375nm1 wavelength (UV-LED).
- 23mm width length 40mmmm size (body)
- It is convenient to carry with key ring.
- With batteries for operation check (one CR2016, 2)
[Note! ]
- Our product is irradiated with ultraviolet light and powerful. Please do not look directly into the light absolutely.
Rechargeable battery for operation check because, after purchase, please replace with a new one.