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Heller 80756 Citroen C4 WRC
1 héten belül érkezik!
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 53

További információk a termékről:
Festést, ragasztást igénylő makett.
Méretaránya 1/24
A készlet nem tartlamaz ragasztót és festéket.
Replacing the Citroën C4 WRC for the 2011 World Rally Championship season, the DS3 WRC has made its official competition debuts in the first round of the World Rally Championship in Sweden. The DS3 is also shorter at 3,948 mm compared to 4,274 mm for the C4, and lighter by 30 kg, at 1,200 kg as stipulated by FIA regulations. The test vehicle was used to test the technology and for set-up runs and was unmarked.
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