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Falcon Scale Models P006 Chain set for 1/12 scale models Honda NSR500
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 18
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További információk a termékről:
Falcon Scale Models launches a new line of chains for expert modelers, where it maintains its usual quality of definition, but with all the pieces that make up the chain assembly printed as independent pieces. The chain is flexible, and inserting the front and rear sprockets does not involve any difficulty. The front and rear sprockets detailing screws, also printed as separate pieces, include extra units for use as spare parts. This reference for the Ducati Superleggera V4 by Tamiya also includes the rear sprocket mounting plate with its respective screws, the mounting plate for the right side of the rear wheel, the protective mesh for the muffler and metal wire for creation of the locking cotter. Spectacular!
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