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Falcon Scale Models FSM01 Chain set for Suzuki GSX-RR
Cikkszám: FSM01
Gyártó: Falcon Scale Models
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 15
Csomagban is elérhető:
3 000 Ft
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Készlet: 1 db

További információk a termékről:
The chain... and many other interesting details, printed using 3D technology, In addition to the chain with the integrated front and rear sprockets, which comes already cut and ready to paint, this set also includes a set of bolts with nuts for the rear sprocket, a front sprocket nut, a nut for the rear wheel axle with the cotter pin, and the chain adjusters with their bolts. The assembly of the adjusters requires the modification of the swing arm section of the kit.
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