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Falcon Scale Models FSM-03-C Tyre set Tyrrell Ford P34 - 1976
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 58

További információk a termékről:
If we were to ask about the most famous races in the history of Formula 1, surely the 1976 Japanese Grand Prix would be among the most mentioned, undoubtedly helped by the film Rush focused on the rivalry between Lauda and Hunt. In that race, marked by heavy rain, the famous six-wheeled Tyrrell P34 also participated, a version recently reissued by Tamiya, which comes only with slick tires. For those who want to complete their kit as it ran in the Fuji race, Falcon have developed a detailed set of front and rear rain tires to replace those supplied on the Tamiya kit. The rain will no longer be a problem!
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