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Valuta választás

Decalcas PAR148 Fasteners for 1/24,1/20,1/12 scale models: Hexagon flange bolts (48+48+48+48+48 units/each)
Cikkszám: DCL-PAR148
Gyártó: Decalcas
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 15
3 000 Ft
A választott opciók feláraival növelt ár!
A termék raktáron van.
Készlet: 2 db

További információk a termékről:
Set of 240 hexagon flange bolts like those used to assemble a multitude of parts in virtually all types of vehicles, with diameters of 1.5mm, 1.75mm, 2mm, 2.25mm and 2.5mm (48 units of each of the different sizes), with which to detail any part where this type of bolts is found. With the usual quality of Decalcas products, and the convenience of not needing to use a primer, avoiding the loss of detail of the parts, you will only have to paint and assemble the parts on your scale model.
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