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- Első Makettem
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- Műgyanta makettek és kiegészítők / Full Resin kits and details
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- 1/43 kész autó modellek / Diecast Car 1/43
- Kiegészítők / Detailling parts
- 1/18-as és 1/43-as kiegészítők / 1/18 and 1/43 Detailling parts
- Matricák / Decals
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- Festékek, festő kellékek / Paints, Paints Tools
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Decalcas PAR117 Detail for 1/24 scale models Blade fuse box 8 ways with fuses (8+8 units/each)
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 13
További információk a termékről:
Eight 8-way blade fuse boxes at 1/24 scale, with blade-type fuses and separate transparent cover, with all parts manufactured using 3D printing. Like the cover, the fuses are made of transparent resin, so you can easily give that touch of realism by painting them in the desired color with a coat of translucent paint. With the usual quality of Decalcas products, and the convenience of not needing the use of primer, avoiding the loss of detail of the pieces, you will only have to paint and assemble the pieces on your scale model. Give your model a greater dose of realism with this set of fuse holder boxes!