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Decalcas PAR111 Rims and tyres set for 1/24 scale models BMW M1 BBS (2+2 units/each)
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 40
További információk a termékről:
When we saw this product, the first thing we thought was... finally! And there are certain parts of the BMW M1 kit from Italeri, Revell or Esci that show the passage of time, such as the wheels and tires. And in addition to improving its design, the spectacular turbofans used in numerous versions are also included, where we can even see the rivets that hold the air channels inside. The characteristic honeycomb-shaped core of the BBS rims is separate, which makes it easy to paint, while the outer of the rim and the tire are in the same piece. But don't worry, a set of masks is also included so you can paint the tire without ruining the paint job on the outer ring of the rim. Among the 3D printed parts we also find the inflation valves and the central nuts. And as a final complement, a sheet of decals with the logos of the tires, rims and turbofans, including the marks that simulated the design of the M1's street rims. What the M1 will gain with good "tailored" shoes!