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Decalcas PAR059 0.8mm Hose joints set 1
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 23
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További információk a termékről:
Set of pneumatic fittings from the Decalcas " Paint & Go" range to detail the brake, cooling, fuel systems ... of your models at any scale. including variants of straight and curved pieces with the 0.8mm diameter outlet. They are executed with the usual accuracy and realism of Decalcas, and parts with different tube turning angles are included so that they can be perfectly adapted to the system that you want to recreate. The nut of the fitting assembly is 0.8mm wide, and in addition to the 3D printed parts the set also includes one meter of braided nylon wire, which can be painted, to simulate the shielded tube of real fittings.
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