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Decalcas PAR052 Speedline snow wheels set
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 30

További információk a termékről:
Set of 4 wheels in 1/24 scale with nuts, air valves, and a decal sheet including Speedline logos and tire marks, designed for the Nunu / Platz / Aoshima / Beemax models of the Lancia Delta S4. These rims have been designed to fit perfectly in the model replacing the original ones, to recreate the configuration of tires with ice studs. They are supplied with the nuts initially used to secure the rims (configuration of 5 nuts per rim), as well as with the central nut used in some tests where it was necessary to make quick wheel changes. In addition, a complete set of decals printed with digital technology is provided with the different Speedline logos used and the tire's own markings. In order to honor even the tiniest detail, the amount of white on these decals has been carefully tuned so that its transparency simulates the tone of the actual tire markings, as these were sprayed onto the tire with a stencil.
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