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Decalcas PAR001 Braid Serie 1 D155 15 inches (2 units)
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 18
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További információk a termékről:
Awesome rims for the front axle of the Opel Manta by Belkits. This is the first reference of a new product line of top quality 3D designed products manufactured in grey resin by Decalcas. The part is a 16 inches Braid Serie 1 rim (model D155), perfectly fitting in the tyre and front axle of the Opel Manta by Belkits. This rim has been created to complement the Decalcas DCL-DEC017 livery, and it has been produced and manufactured using a modular design making it extremely easy to paint. It does not require a tyre, since it uses the tyres already included in Belkits Opel Manta.
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