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Valuta választás

Decalcas DEC060 Decals for 1/12 scale models: Brabham Ford BT44B
Cikkszám: DCL-DEC060
Gyártó: Decalcas
Hűségpont (vásárlás után): 13
2 500 Ft
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A termék raktáron van.
Készlet: 1 db

További információk a termékről:
Product description:
Decals for completing the instrument panel of the Tamiya Brabham Ford BT44B with better definition and detail. These decals include the complete dials, as well as all the indications, labels and stickers for the different buttons and switches. A message has even been added that could sometimes be seen on the dome in Carlos Reutemann's car to remind him to turn off the bomb. With the magnifying glass you can compare the original decal of the kit with the Decalcas decal. What a difference!!!!
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